Tag: government
Macedonia 02.07.24 | 20:40

Cast iron fence removed by Zaev will be put back around the Government building

The Government today ordered its SOZR bureau to restore the cast iron fence that was placed around the building during the violent Colored Revolution protests in 2015. The fence was removed on orders of former Prime Minister Zoran Zaev, who made a populist promise that he will open the building to the...

Macedonia 28.06.24 | 17:32

Appointment of Government and Interior Ministry officials

A number of personnel appointments were announced today, after the first session of the new Government. Elena Petrova, until recently alternative Deputy Finance Minister, will be the new head of the UJP tax authority. Member of Parliament Boban Nikolovski is named head of the Customs Agency. Igor Janusev...

Macedonia 24.06.24 | 15:13

Ambassador Aggeler congratulates to the new Government on its formation

US Ambassador to Macedonia Angela Aggeler congratulated to Hristijan Mickoski and his Government on their election yesterday. Congratulations to the new government on its formation. As the Prime Minister and his cabinet take office, we look forward to continuing our partnership in strengthening rule...

Macedonia 24.06.24 | 00:13

Mickoski: This will be a Government of the people

VMRO-DPMNE President Hristijan Mickoski addressed the Parliament today, before the vote in which he was elected Prime Minister on the helm of the new Government. Mickoski spoke to his critics from SDSM, who were accusing his proposed policies, especially on the disputes with Greece and Bulgaria, both...

Macedonia 23.06.24 | 23:12

The new Government

The Government Hristijan Mickoski led Government that was elected this evening includes 24 ministers and Deputy Prime Ministers. Pance Toskovski will resume his role as Interior Minister, Timco Mucunski will be the next Foreign Minister and Gordana Kocoska Dimitrieska is the next Finance Minister. Aleksandar...

Macedonia 23.06.24 | 23:02

Parliament votes in the new Government

After a debate lasting two days, the Parliament this evening voted in the next Government, led by VMRO-DPMNE President Hristijan Mickoski. The list Mickoski proposed received 77 votes in favor, from VMRO, VLEN and ZNAM and 22 representatives were opposed. With this, DUI and SDSM are officially going...

Macedonia 22.06.24 | 15:42

Hristijan Mickoski outlined his priorities as Prime Minister

AsVMRO-DPMNE President Hristijan Mickoski addressed Parliament today as debate began on the proposed new Government, which Mickoski will lead, with the support of the VLEN and ZNAM coalitions. Mickoski warned that the situation in many crucial public services has been degraded to the level of “clinical...

Macedonia 22.06.24 | 10:28

Parliament begins discussion on the new Government

The Macedonian Parliament begins today its session to appoint the new Government led by VMRO-DPMNE President Hristijan Mickoski. According to the rules of the Parliament, the session should end by Sunday late evening. The Government will include 24 ministers and Deputy Prime Ministers. Pance Toskovski...

Macedonia 18.06.24 | 17:09

Hristijan Mickoski nominates the next Government, says all ministers will have to hold pro-Macedonian positions

VMRO-DPMNE President Hristijan Mickoski formally submitted his proposal for the creation of the next Government to the Parliament. The proposal was approved by VMRO-DPMNE, VLEN, ZNAM and the smaller coalition partners that will be joining the Government, and is expected to easily reach the needed 61...

Macedonia 17.06.24 | 18:53

Mickoski: We restored 3/4 of the concessions SDSM made to DUI

We were able to restore at least three quarters of the concessions SDSM made to DUI, said VMRO-DPMNE President Hristijan Mickoski, a day after he announced the line-up of the new Government, in which VMRO has a dominant position, unlike the even and even subordinate role SDSM played with regard to DUI...

Macedonia 16.06.24 | 21:23

Mickoski nominates Nikoloski, Misajlovski, Kocoska, Toskovski… to sit on the next Government

VMRO-DPMNE President and Prime Minister – elect Hristijan Mickoski announced this evening the members of the next Government. Aleksandar Nikoloski will be named Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Transportation. Vladimir Misajlovski will lead the Department of Defense. Gordana Dimitrioska Kocoska...

Macedonia 16.06.24 | 12:43

VMRO-DPMNE will announce the Government ministers

VMRO-DPMNE will hold meetings of its Central and Exectutive committees this afternoon after which the party will announce its candidates for the bulk of the Government that is going to be led by Hristijan Mickoski. After consultations with the smaller coalition partners, the list will be submitted to...

Macedonia 08.06.24 | 11:24

Parliament adopts proposal to reform the Government – DUI provided the necessary votes

In a late night session, the Parliament voted to approve the VMRO-DPMNE proposal to reorganize the Government. The two thirds majority was provided by representatives from DUI, who agreed to support the idea after a meeting with VMRO, in exchange for the creation of a Parliament commission that will...

Macedonia 05.06.24 | 15:31

Mickoski prepares to receive Government mandate, says he will only refer to the country as – Macedonia

VMRO-DPMNE President Hristijan Mickoski announced that the party has submitted a proposal for reorganization of the Government, as he is expected to receive the mandate to form the next Government tomorrow from President Gordana Siljanovska – Davkova. Regarding the dispute with Greece, Mickoski...

Macedonia 02.06.24 | 12:22

Sela accuses VLEN of making a bad deal with VMRO

The Alliance of Albanians party – its faction loyal to the former leader Ziadin Sela – condemned its former colleagues from the Arben Taravari wing and his broader VLEN coalition of failing to secure enough seats in the next Government with VMRO-DPMNE. This is the first time Albanians have...

Macedonia 20.01.24 | 13:17

Veljanoski: Any hybrid solution about the interim Government will harm the country

Former Parliament Speaker Trajko Veljanoski warned that attempts by SDSM to avoid creating a proper technical Government will damage the country. SDSM is trying to avoid having VMRO-DPMNE appointed representatives it the Government that will organize the coming general elections citing a technicality. SDSM...

Macedonia 28.12.23 | 20:08

The Government has officially embraced the National Strategy for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities spanning from 2023 to 2030

The Government has officially embraced the National Strategy on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities 2023-2030, accompanied by an Action Plan spanning 2023-2026. This comprehensive document was crafted collaboratively, integrating insights from individuals with disabilities and their representative...

Macedonia 15.12.23 | 09:49

Mden 2 billion is reallocated by the government to 66 municipal projects

On Thursday, the Government made a significant decision to redirect Mden 2 billion (EUR 32.5 million) towards the implementation of 66 projects spread across municipalities nationwide. These funds will be allocated to various projects in municipalities such as the City of Skopje, Centar, Gjorche Petrov,...

Macedonia 09.12.23 | 17:29

The government has given its approval to a relief bill and swiftly forwarded it to Parliament for further action

At its 206th session, the government underwent a comprehensive review and greenlit a proposed legislation concerning financial assistance aimed at socially vulnerable segments of the population, particularly in light of the prevailing energy crisis. The approved bill is set to be expedited through Parliament...

Macedonia 14.09.23 | 10:46

Why did the government pay 40 million euros for software licenses?

Why did the government pay €40 million for software licenses to a company selected by the former government’s Secretary General Dragi Rashkovski, now sentenced to seven years in prison for corruption? Why do they continue paying the same company, despite that three years ago, the same licenses...
