Tag: grubi
Macedonia 23.11.20 | 17:07

Ahmeti confirms that one of his members of Parliament may challenge the Government

DUI party leader Ali Ahmeti confirmed that it is possible to have an unprecedented situation where one of his own members of Parliament challenges the Government. Izet Mexhiti, the former Mayor of Cair, has from the start opposed the appointment of two key DUI officials in the Government – the...

Macedonia 20.11.20 | 07:47

Artan Grubi named in an Albanian political dispute over the “Yellow house” organ harvesting investigation

First Deputy Prime Minister Artan Grubi was called out during a political dispute in neighboring Albania. The Albanian ruling Socialist Party is accusing opposition leader Lulzim Basha of the Democrat Party of cooperating with the investigation into the alleged gruesome organ harvesting operation conducted...

Macedonia 10.11.20 | 18:52

Zaev keeps chief of staff Raskovski as a mere adviser, could appoint Muhamed Zekiri in his place

Zoran Zaev appointed his former Secretary General Dragi Raskovski to adviser in the Government. This vacates his position, and opens the prospect of having another of Zaev’s close confidants, the leader of the SDSM party Albanian wing Muhamed Zekiri, to take the position. Zekiri was expected to...

Macedonia 06.11.20 | 13:34

Witness testimonies support the case of former Speaker Trajko Veljanoski in the April 27 trial

Several politicians testified today during the trial on the incident in the Parliament on April 27 2017. Antonio Milososki from VMRO-DPMNE testified that his party had every right to filibuster the discussion on the proposal to elect a Parliament Speaker, as it was looking for a solution to the political...

Macedonia 06.11.20 | 11:31

Grubi denies reports that Ahmeti is about to be charged with war crimes

First Deputy Prime Minister Artan Grubi, who is the chief confidant of DUI party leader Ali Ahmeti, denied reports that Ahmeti is facing war crimes charges from the special tribunal in the Hague. The reports came after Kosovo President Hashim Thaci was charged and stepped down from his office. Thaci...

Macedonia 28.10.20 | 18:26

Grubi asked Bulgarian Ambassador Angelov not to allow “history to hold the future hostage”

First Deputy Prime Minister Artan Grubi met with Bulgarian Ambassador to Macedonia Angel Angelov to discuss the expected Bulgarian veto to the Macedonian EU accession talks. Earlier today, Angelov also met with Foreign Minister Bujar Osmani and German Ambassador Anke Holstein, after which he said that...

Macedonia 15.10.20 | 20:57

Grubi says there is agreement in principle between SDSM and DUI to offer subsidies to private companies for ethnic diversity hires

First Deputy Prime Minister Artan Grubi said that his DUI party and SDSM are still working on their plan for subsidies for private companies that hire ethnically diverse employees. Grubi originally presented the idea a month ago, and caused outrage saying that the Government will pay companies to hire...

Macedonia 11.10.20 | 18:52

Government says it can’t fire ethnic Albanian employees who want to keep their pretend public sector jobs

First Deputy Prime Minister Artan Grubi acknowledged that the Government won’t be able to fire any of the 1,350 ethnic Albanians hired in the public administration simply to boost Albanian representation, who are not given actual jobs and collect salaries from the comfort of their homes. The employees...

Macedonia 01.10.20 | 17:00

Grubi says there is no actual proposal to subsidize private sector hiring of ethnic Albanians

First Deputy Prime Minister Artan Grubi rolled back his request that subsidies are introduced for private companies that hire ethnic Albanians. After public outrage, Grubi said that he was simply elevating an idea and wanted to open a debate. The idea is not to impose the hiring of Albanians or any other...

Macedonia 06.09.20 | 22:59

Modest celebration planned for the 29th independence day

The Government plans to hold a very modest celebration of the 29th anniversary of independence on September 8. Prime Minister Zoran Zaev will be the main speaker at an event that will be held with a bare minimum of attendees who will be kept at a distance from each other. Zaev will be accompanied by...

Macedonia 03.09.20 | 22:08

Government carves out a powerful new role for Artan Grubi as Zaev’s First Deputy

The Government adopted a new protocol for coordination among the various departments which places the First Deputy Prime Minister Artan Grubi in a powerful new role. Grubi holds a department that was traditionally low key and mainly in charge of hiring ethnic Albanians with unspecified roles in the public...

Macedonia 31.08.20 | 14:26

Grubi clarifies his role in the new Government – will ensure consensual decision making between SDSM and DUI

Artan Grubi, the newly appointed First Deputy Prime Minister, said that the Government will reach its decisions with consensus, as once body. Grubi holds a newly created post which is expected to give much greater say to the ethnic Albanian DUI party over the Government, with veto power over the main...

Macedonia 31.08.20 | 09:29

Zaev takes over from Spasovski, will meet Pendarovski at noon

Earlier this morning Zoran Zaev took over the office of the Prime Minister from the interim Prime Minister Oliver Spasovski, who had it vacated during the weekend. The Government plans to meet President Stevo Pendarovski at noon, as well as holding business meetings. Before the vote, Pendarovski called...

Macedonia 30.08.20 | 14:36

Vecer: Grubi assumed the office next to that reserved for Zoran Zaev, Spasovski had his portrait hung in the Government building

Vecer reports that the newly nominated First Deputy Prime Minister Artan Grubi has already assumed the office of Dragi Raskovski, Zoran Zaev’s close confidant who was Secretary General in his first Government. After a series of corruption scandals, Raskovski is expected to leave the Government...

Macedonia 21.08.20 | 19:16

Mijalkov filmed meeting Zaev’s co-Prime Minister Artan Grubi

Lajm TV published footage of a meeting between the former security services chief Saso Mijalkov and Artan Grubi, the DUI party mover who is expected to be named First Deputy Prime Minister – with rumored veto rights over all decisions made by Prime Minister Zoran Zaev. The meeting took place in...

Macedonia 20.08.20 | 09:51

Siljanovska says that the new position of “First Deputy Prime Minister” is a case of “unique political stupidity”

Law professor Gordana Siljanovska – Davkova declared the announced new position of consensual Deputy Prime Minister as “unique political stupidity”. According to media reports, the DUI party will get to appoint its official Artan Grubi as Deputy Prime Minister in the next Government...

Macedonia 19.08.20 | 23:17

Zaev denies reports that he gave DUI veto power over all major executive decisions

SDSM leader Zoran Zaev insisted that DUI will not get anywhere near the power the media have been reporting all day long (briefed by DUI sources). According to the reports, if the Parliament approves the Government led by Zaev, he would get DUI official Artan Grubi as a powerful Deputy Prime Minister,...

Macedonia 19.08.20 | 22:45

Zaev would need to amend the Constitution to make Artan Grubi his co-Prime Minister

The proposal to nominate Artan Grubi from the DUI party as Deputy Prime Minister who would have veto power over all major decision made by Prime Minister Zoran Zaev may require new constitutional amendments. DUI gave up on its key request – that it gets an ethnic Albanian named as Prime Minister,...

Macedonia 19.08.20 | 13:39

Artan Grubi will have veto power over every major decision Zaev makes?

The DUI party campaigned on the promise that it will secure an ethnic Albanian Prime Minister. Under the agreement revealed yesterday, it will only get its wish in a symbollic way, in the last 100 days of the Government. But, as Koha reports, Artan Grubi, the powerful adviser of DUI party leader Ali...

Macedonia 18.08.20 | 20:58

Artan Grubi hails “historic achievement” of having three Albanian foreign ministers in the Balkans

Boastful after the announcement of their new coalition with SDSM, DUI official Artan Grubi said that Albanians now have three foreign ministers in the Balkan countries. Grubi was speaking about Albania, Kosovo and now Macedonia, which under the coalition agreement will apparently have the Foreign Affairs...
