Vecer reports that the newly nominated First Deputy Prime Minister Artan Grubi has already assumed the office of Dragi Raskovski, Zoran Zaev’s close confidant who was Secretary General in his first Government. After a series of corruption scandals, Raskovski is expected to leave the Government and be replaced with Damjan Mancevski.

But Grubi is certain to have an oversized role in the newly created post for First DPM, and is rumored to be given effective veto over Zaev’s main policy decisions. Hence the new office.

Meanwhile, outgoing interim Prime Minister Oliver Spasovski, who will return to the Interior Ministry if the proposed Government is elected this afternoon, has moved out of the cabinet of the Prime Minister and is having it cleaned in accordance with the coronavirus protection protocols. Even though he was in office in interim capacity for just eight months, Spasovski had his picture placed one the wall where pictures and portraits of all previous Prime Ministers are kept 0 in front of the office of the Prime Minister.