Tag: mexhiti
Macedonia 30.09.24 | 22:15

Mexhiti: Albanian politicians were involved in high corruption

Deputy Prime Minister Izet Mexhiti said that the Government will not fight against crime based on the ethnicity of the suspects. Mexhiti added that there is tendency to portray ethnic Albanians as guilty of corruption, but also acknowledged that in some cases the allegations are justified. We have reached...

Macedonia 29.09.24 | 17:28

VLEN marks 100 days of the new Government

The VLEN coalition, which is part of the VMRO-DPMNE led ruling coalition, to mark the 100 days of the forming of the Government, with which their rival DUI was sent in the opposition for only the second time since 2002. We are faced with a destructive opposition that is criticizing without arguments...

Macedonia 15.09.24 | 10:45

DUI and VLEN are arguing over the language of a road sign

Deputy Prime Minister Izet Mexhiti accused his political opponent, Ali Ahmeti’s DUI party, of allowing road signs without Albanian inscription in them. The two rival parties, DUI and VLEN, are arguing after a sign at the border crossing Blace with Kosovo was placed in Macedonian, English and French,...

Macedonia 08.05.24 | 21:04

Mexhiti calls on DUI to explain its boycott of the presidential elections

Izet Mexhiti, one of the leaders of the Albanian opposition VLEN coalition, called on their rivals DUI to explain their attempt to boycott the presidential elections. Turnout in the presidential election was noticeably lower in the Albanian districts than in the general elections, with DUI supporters...

Macedonia 10.02.24 | 11:43

Mexhiti: SDSM are silent observers as DUI pursues disastrous policies

As he was being removed as Healthcare Ministry, Fatmir Mexhiti from the Alliance of Albanians party launched a scathing attack not on DUI, the party who insisted that he must go, but on SDSM – the “larger” coalition partner who has enabled DUI’s power-grab over the past seven...

Macedonia 12.09.23 | 22:25

Mexhiti: DUI is deeply involved in crime

Izet Mexhiti, leader of the newly formed Democratic Movement party that split from the ruling DUI party, said that it is high time for the currently ruling parties to go in the opposition and “help themselves by retiring many of their people”. DUI is deeply involved in crime, in the casino...

Macedonia 08.09.23 | 20:31

Minister Mexhiti promises to name those responsible for the Oncology Clinic scandal

Healthcare Minister Fatmir Mexhiti promised that the names of all those responsible for the theft and sale of chemotherapy drugs at the Oncology Clinic will be made public. I guarantee you as minister that the case will be fully revealed. We will not allow pressure to be put over the entire medical field....

Macedonia 21.08.23 | 20:22

Healthcare Minister Mexhiti says he will resign if BRAKO is paid for the shoddy hospital wards

Healthcare Minister Fatmir Mexhiti threatened to resign if the BRAKO company receives money for the three improvised hospital wards that it built and hasn’t been paid for yet. The wards are part of the large procurement that the politically linked company got under Zoran Zaev and Venko Filipce...

Macedonia 16.08.23 | 09:33

Mexhiti considers the charges against Albanian mayors to be “Stalinism”

Izet Mexhiti, leader of the newly founded Democratic Movement party, said that the charges against his political allies over not playing the Macedonian anthem are an example of Stalinist tactics used in former Yugoslavia. Mayors of Tetovo and Cair, Bilal Kasami and Visar Ganiu, are facing misdemeanor...

Macedonia 07.08.23 | 13:30

The Government has no capacity to revise the positive list of drugs for seven years, VMRO-DPMNE accuses

  Due to the SDS Government’s incapability and lack of care, the citizens are still waiting for a revised positive list of drugs, seven years after they came to power, VMRO-DPMNE reacted on Monday. “The citizens are begging for drugs, they are forced to buy them abroad, while the state...

Macedonia 06.08.23 | 21:44

Bejta returns to DUI, will not support the creation of a new Albanian party

Former Mayor of Gostivar Nevzat Bejta announced that he is returning to the DUI party, even after he supported the rival faction within DUI that is led by Izet Mexhiti. Mexhiti is on the verge of forming a new party, and already announced its name – the Democratic Movement – but Bejta has...

Macedonia 24.07.23 | 22:17

The ethnic Albanian opposition started the process of enlarging in order to remove DUI from power

The opposition parties of the ethnic Albanian political block began the process of enlarging the opposition block. Gashi of Alternative, Kasami of Besa, and Mexhiti from the DUI fraction will start reviewing the possibilities for cooperation, the leader of Alternative confirmed on Monday. The details...

Macedonia 18.07.23 | 21:49

DUI confirms that the majority lost three votes in Parliament

Arbr Ademi, coordinator of the DUI party group in Parliament, confirmed that two of its representatives have left the group. These are Izet Mexhiti and Merita Kolchi Koxhaxhiku, who are part of the so-called Fire Group faction. Another member of Parliament, Kastriot Rexhepi, who sat with SDSM, is also...

Macedonia 09.07.23 | 10:17

Mexhiti acknowledges there are divisions in his DUI faction

Izet Mexhiti, from the splinter faction in DUI, acknowledged that there are differences in his groups, as some want to form a new party while others will try to “reform DUI from the inside”. This comes after DUI moved to divide and isolate the group, by holding elections to remove the party...

Macedonia 02.07.23 | 22:11

Mexhiti: The elections in DUI were a farce

Izet Mexhiti, who leads the so-called “fire faction” within the DUI party, said that the intra-party elections held today were a travesty and in violation with the statute. DUI leader Ali Ahmeti held elections meant to remove officials who sided with Mexhiti and turned against Ahmeti’s...

News Macedonia 25.05.23 | 09:00

DUI Vice-Chair Mexhiti: We can’t recognize Ali Ahmeti

DUI wasn’t like this. People are talking lately that we start to resemble the erstwhile DPA, the Vice-Chair of the party Izet Mexhiti said in an interview with TV21, adding that he can’t recognize the leader Ali Ahmeti in his recent behavior. “We don’t know this Ali Ahmeti. Now,...

Macedonia 21.05.23 | 12:29

DUI party officials accuse Ahmeti and Grubi of running the party in an undemocratic manner

DUI party officials who are resisting leader Ali Ahmeti and his deputy Artan Grubi say that they did not leave the party on their own accord but were expelled. DUI yesterday announced that it will hold intra-party elections to replace five members of its Presidency who have sided with former Cair Mayor...

Macedonia 17.03.23 | 14:17

Mexhiti smells fear in the new PR campaign launched by Ahmeti and Grubi

DUI party official Izet Mexhiti, who leads a faction that pushes for the ouster of First Deputy Prime Minister Artan Grubi sees Grubi’s desperation behind a new PR initiative launched by the party. DUI has a cryptic campaign titled “He is coming” – alluding either to the fact...

Macedonia 01.03.23 | 13:31

Large group of DUI supporters gathered to demand that Artan Grubi is ousted from the party

Thousands of DUI party members gathered yesterday in Skopje’s Cair to protest against the First Deputy Prime Minister Artan Grubi. The rally was organized by the rebel faction in DUI led by former Cair Mayor Izet Mexhiti, who calls for Grubi’s ouster from his powerful position in the Government,...

Macedonia 09.03.21 | 12:16

Grubi asks DUI rival Mexhiti to follow the party program

First Deputy Prime Minister Artan Grubi spoke out about his feud with DUI party rival Izet Mexhiti, who yesterday resigned as head of the DUI group in Parliament. The conflict between the two members of the Skopje wing of the party is threatening the Zaev Government, as Mexhiti is supported by at least...
