Tag: Stefan Andonovski
Macedonia 12.07.23 | 13:19

Andonovski: Jovevski heads an institution with less than 1% public trust, and SDS is still pushing his Constitutional Judge candidacy

To understand what we are trying to say when talking about the SDS-controlled judicial system, we should take the current Public Prosecutor Ljubomir Jovevski as an example. After years in office the Prosecution enjoys less than 1% of public trust by the IRI last poll, and yet SDS is pushing and fiercely...

Macedonia 03.11.22 | 22:22

Andonovski: Leaders’ meeting to change the Constitution is pointless

Stefan Andonovski, secretary for international cooperation and member of the EC in VMRO DPMNE, says in the 24 analysis show that VMRO-DPMNE has not received an invitation for a leaders’ meeting on Monday. So far no such invitation has been received and it is somewhat symptomatic. It is better to...

Macedonia 23.03.22 | 23:29

After the government signed the agreement with Bulgaria, the problem with the identity arose, and we had cooperation in other fields before

If we allow ourselves to enter a contest of power, a contest of age as nations, then we run away from the basic law of international relations that every country is equal in the international legal order if it is recognized by the United Nations, Stefan Andonovski, Secretary for International Cooperation...

Macedonia 06.05.21 | 21:10

Macedonia is Balkan paradise for drug production, the Prime Minister’s closest friends are smuggling drugs

Political dialogue is necessary and beneficial for the betterment of the state. In the situation, it is bad that the other side of our political opponent has a total decadence, Stefan Andonovski, international secretary and member of the EC of VMRO-DPMNE said Thursday in an interview TV Sitel. If Pablo...

Macedonia 06.05.21 | 20:48

VMRO-DPMNE doesn’t seek amnesty, but justice for the defenders of the Constitution

I do not want to go into the powers of the president. The April 27 trial ended with a final verdict of the Court of Appeals, and the next instance is the Supreme Court. But we know that there are cases with court verdicts in which the case is returned for retrial by the Supreme Court, International Secretary...

Macedonia 10.02.21 | 22:43

Zaev’s corrupt regime has no credibility to run the country

The Central Committee of VMRO-DPMNE met a regular session to discuss several topics related to current developments in the Republic of Macedonia, Stefan Andonovski, member of the EC of VMRO-DPMNE informed on Wednesday. The Central Committee takes a stand on the current census, which is a topic abused...

Macedonia 10.01.21 | 14:55

It’s shameful to learn from Bulgaria that the Government is still negotiating about the Macedonian identity in the midst of the holidays

The government of Zoran Zaev is negotiating about the Macedonian language and identity away from the public eye. The conditions and demands set before the Macedonian government are hidden from the citizens. Zaev, Dimitrov and Osmani know, but they are hiding from the public. It’s shameful to learn...

Macedonia 16.12.20 | 22:44

Bulgaria is not the only country blocking the starting of our country’s EU negotiations

The first aspect of the Conclusions show that Bulgaria is not alone in the blockade, ie a consensus has been reached at the level of member states that does not allow the opening of negotiations or the start of the first intergovernmental conference, Stefan Andonovski, member of the EC of VMRO-DPMNE...

Macedonia 16.12.20 | 22:04

Andonovski: By cancelling history class, the government is trying to redefine history and distort the facts

Stefan Andonovski, member of the Executive Committee of VMRO-DPMNE, reacted Wednesday on TV Telma’s “Top tema” to today’s statement by Mila Carovska about to cancel history as a stand-along class and roll it into a broad class called societal studies as in Finland, saying that...