Tag: stip
Health 02.06.20 | 12:39

Mass COVID-19 testing starts in five Shtip-based textile plants

Mass testing for COVID-19 has started in five textile factories in Stip, which have been shut down. The director of the city’s Public Health Center, Marija Dimitrova, said that about 200 textile workers are to be tested Tuesday. Two lab technicians from Kocani’s Public Health Center have come to...

Health 29.05.20 | 16:34

Mass coronavirus testing of textile workers starts in Stip

The mass testing of textile workers from a plant in Stip, which is the latest coronavirus hotspot in Macedonia, started Thursday. Staffers from two other factories who took the same buses as the ones from where the infection spread are also being tested, as decided by the Commission for Infectious Diseases,...

Macedonia 25.05.20 | 15:19

Stip police investigating a rape attempt

A 21 year old woman from Stip reported that she was a victim of an attempted rape in her home. The attacker is identified as 22 year old C.R. from Vinica. The woamn said that he entered her home shortly after midnight and tried to rape her. Stip police is investigating the incident.

Macedonia 11.05.20 | 13:50

Blood testing contract in the Stip hospital is being rigged in favor of a controversial businessman

The Stip hospital has issued a public bid to purchase blood testing agents that are only procured through a company that is heavily favored by the Healthcare Ministry. VMRO-DPMNE official Ivan Jordanov said that the hospital first purchased an Abbot Architect machine that uses agents that are only sold...

Macedonia 04.05.20 | 17:02

Car burnt down in Stip, police is investigating if it was arson

A BMW car, owned by a 34 year old man from Stip, burnt down in a fire overnight. The fire spread to a neighboring car registered to a company in Skopje. Police is investigating the cause of the fire – and if it was a case of arson.

Macedonia 30.04.20 | 15:33

Perpetrators of the attack on a young woman in Stip sentenced to 2,6 years in prison

Two men from Stip were sentenced to 2,6 years in prison each, after assaulting a young woman from Stip. The attack occurred several months ago. The woman was dating one of the men, who filmed the assault, and was later threatened not to speak about it. Only when the video went public, and sparked an...

Health 08.04.20 | 19:13

Two coronavirus patients from Stip, who are treated at home, cured

Two coronavirus patients from Stip, with mild symptoms, have been cured after testing negative to COVID-19 twice, the Health Ministry said Wednesday citing updates of the Institute of Public Health. At the moment, four patients are hospitalized in Stip hospital. 14 patients with mild symptoms are treated...

Macedonia 08.04.20 | 15:21

Two men from Stip who attacked a girl ordered into a month long detention

A judge ordered two men from Stip, who assaulted a young girl several months ago and video recorded her ordeal, to 30 days in detention. They were already given a week long detention following their arrest, that was sparked by the public outrage once the tape was shared throughout the social media. The...

Macedonia 03.04.20 | 17:12

Judge orders the two men from Stip who attacked a girl to be detained for eight days

A Stip judge ordered an eight days long detention for the two men who attacked a young girl two months ago. The attack that was filmed shocked the public with its brutality after the video appeared online earlier this week. One of the attackers was a former boyfriend of the girl, who later said that...

Macedonia 02.04.20 | 23:47

Girl from the brutal attack video says she was threatened to keep quiet

The girl from the brutal video that was revealed yesterday said that she did not report the attack against her because she was threatened. The video, shot in Stip several months ago, shows her former boyfriend and another man, brutally beating her up. The two men were arrested this morning, following...

Macedonia 02.04.20 | 21:41

Father all but publicly disowns his son after a brutal attack on a girl

A shocking footage in which two young men from Stip are seen beating a young, apparently pregnant woman, caused such outrage that the father of one of the men all but publicly disowned him. The footage was apparently made months ago, but went public yesterday and caused immediate outcry. Early this morning,...

Macedonia 04.03.20 | 16:45

Group of 17 illegal migrants apprehended near Stip

A group of 17 illegal migrants was stopped near Stip. Police officers found them walking along the Stip – Radovis road in several groups due north and had them transported to the Gevgelija migrant reception center. There were no local guides or traffickers with them so no charges have been filed....

Macedonia 01.03.20 | 12:14

Macedonian police stops 78 illegal migrants near Stip

Macedonian police intercepted 78 illegal migrants near Stip. The group was being driven along the Stip – Kocani road by two men from Veles at 4 in the morning. They tried to evade a police checkpoint but were eventually stopped and detained. The migrants are being interrogated to determine their...

Macedonia 28.02.20 | 22:34

Couple flees from the Stip hospital after being suspected of having the coronavirus

A couple who was being examined in the Stip hospital for possible exposure to the coronavirus fled the hospital and the police is trying to persuade them to come back for treatment. The man is from the city of Vinica, and he reported having flu like symptoms after returning from Italy. Together with...

Macedonia 24.02.20 | 21:34

Man urinates on board reading “north” in Stip

A video posted on social networks today shows a man urinating on a new board at the Stip Employment Agency because it contains the word “north”.

Culture 19.01.20 | 13:45

Simon Trpceski responds to the SDSM party trolls who want to drag him into the political arena

Macedonia’s greatest pianist Simon Trpceski responded to his critics with a video greeting from New York. Trpceski was dragged over the coals by SDSM party supporters online after he complained that he had to cut short a concert in Stip because the venue was not heated. Trpceski apologized to the...

Macedonia 17.01.20 | 19:30

Stip hospital deal, approved in the final days of Zaev’s Government, is legally highly problematic

Vecer.mk reports that the alleged problems with the project to reconstruct the Stip hospital are made up or overblown, in order to greatly increase the price of the work and benefit the contractor – the Greek Intrakat company. As was already reported, the work is facing serious difficulties, and...

Macedonia 08.01.20 | 13:42

“Racket” is not closed, new crime involving the Clinical Center in Stip

On March 3, 2016, the then VMRO-DPMNE government laid the foundation stone for the construction of a new clinical center in Stip, which was to be completed by the end of 2019. The 34,000-square-meter clinical center was to operate and meet the needs of over 200,000 people in that region of Macedonia. That...

Macedonia 08.01.20 | 09:58

Two earthquakes felt in Stip and the surrounding area this morning

Two earthquakes with epicenters 77 kilometers southeast of Skopje have been felt in Stip and the surrounding area at 8:00h and 8:15h this morning. The Seismological Observatory at the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics said that according to current data they were magnitude 3.1 and 2.7.  

Macedonia 05.01.20 | 19:46

MKD.mk: Greek construction company is involved in the Racket scandal through the Stip hospital project

Even as Macedonia is ran by a caretaker administration whose only task is to organize the elections on April 12th, the Government is preparing to approve an increase in the cost of reconstruction of the Stip hospital during its next session. The work is being conducted by the large Greek Intrakat construction...
