Interior Minister Panche Toshkovski had a bilateral meeting with his Austrian counterpart Gerhard Karner on Tuesday, during the Ministerial Conference of the Salzburg Forum, which took place on Tuesday and Wednesday in Austria.

According to the Interior Ministry, Karner congratulated Toshkovski on his election and emphasized the importance of the strong relationship between the two countries.

“The ministers agreed to continue and enhance cooperation, particularly in addressing migration flows and combating illegal corruption and migrant smuggling. This cooperation is crucial for the stability and security of the region and for effectively managing challenges arising from migration crises,” the Ministry stated in a press release.

Minister Toshkovski expressed his gratitude for the support provided by the Austrian Federal Ministry of the Interior to his country. He underscored the significance of the prior bilateral agreement and joint operations with Frontex, noting their substantial contribution to improving the security situation and efficiently managing migration challenges.