Category: Balkans
Balkans 16.04.20 | 18:14

Bulgaria donates 100 protective suits and masks to Macedonia’s Ministry of Defense

The Bulgarian Ministry of Defense has donated 100 protective suits and masks to Macedonia’s Ministry of Defense as a sign of solidarity in the fight against the coronavirus spread. The protective equipment can be used up to 50 times, meaning up to 5,000 working days for medical personnel on the front...

Balkans 15.04.20 | 20:30

Macedonia’s coronavirus stimulus package second smallest in Europe

While Europe’s top economies like Germany and the United Kingdom, and Visegrad countries like Hungary and the Czech Republic, created serious stimulus packages that are a sizable portion of their GDP, Macedonia is intervening with one of the lowest packages in the continent. The SDSM led Government...

Balkans 14.04.20 | 11:36

Slovenia begins to reopen its economy

Slovenia begins reopening the country after weeks of mandatory closures due to the coronavirus. In the first stage, the country will allow the opening of several major factories and construction sites, as well as shops for car repair, electric appliances and building material. The companies will be required...

Balkans 09.04.20 | 13:05

Vucic’s son hospitalized after contracting coronavirus

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic on Wednesday said that his son was hospitalized after contracting the novel coronavirus. My firstborn is infected by the coronavirus and his clinical condition is such that he was admitted to the infectious diseases clinic, Vucic posted to his Instagram page. No other...

Balkans 08.04.20 | 12:08

Bugajski calls on the Balkans not to turn its back on the EU despite slow coronavirus response

Janusz Bugajski, fellow at the American CEPA institute, has called on the Balkan countries to maintain their orientation toward the European Union, at a time when China leads in the coronavirus help effort and Russia, as Bugajski claims, spreads misinformation. EU’s prestige in the region was hit...

Balkans 08.04.20 | 11:10

Serbia considers a full lock-down on its capital Belgrade

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic warned the country that it’s possible a full lock-down is instituted in the capital Belgrade. I’m not discounting that option, Vucic said when asked about the possibility that Belgraders are locked in their homes full time. Serbia has had 61 dead and a total...

Balkans 08.04.20 | 11:07

Slovenia joins Austria in its plans to loosen restrictions

Slovenia joined Austria in an announcement that it will begin lifting restrictions on normal life starting next week. Prime Minister Janez Jansa said that some of the coronavirus linked restrictions will be lifted to allow private companies to resume work. We are looking into opening companies that provide...

Balkans 06.04.20 | 22:17

Serbia to start treating coronavirus patients with blood plasma therapy soon

Prime Minister of Serbia Ana Brnabic revealed on TV Pink that in about ten days, treating of coronavirus patients in Srbia would start with blood plasma therapy. We take blood from people who are cured and give that plasma by transfusion to people who are sick. The reason why we are only launching this...

Balkans 02.04.20 | 17:15

EU Commissioner Varhelyi coordinates trans-Balkan actions in response to the coronavirus epidemic

European Enlargement Commissioner Oliver Varhelyi said that the EU will work together with the Balkan countries to respond to the coronavirus epidemic. One of the steps that are being taken are easing procedures to move medicine and food across the transport corridors in the region. Fighting coronavirus...

Balkans 02.04.20 | 11:56

20 migrants in Greece infected with coronavirus

A refugee camp in Greece has been put under a 14-day quarantine after officials confirmed the presence of the new coronavirus there, reported state radio broadcaster ERT on Thursday. The virus was confirmed at the camp after doctors detected it in a resident who had travelled to an Athens hospital to...

Balkans 31.03.20 | 10:12

Kurz condemns EU for its calls to keep Austria’s borders open

Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz said that the European Union did not offer any constructive ideas to fight the coronavirus, just criticism of his order to close the borders. We can’t take ideas such as “please keep the borders open” seriously at a time like this, Kurz said. The Chancellor...

Balkans 31.03.20 | 10:10

Solun quay closed as part of the anti-viral measures

City authorities in Solun (Thessaloniki) are closing the popular walkway along the quay for pedestrians for the weekends and imposing a 14h-8h curfew during workdays. The move is meant to reduce traffic and the danger the coronavirus spreads in the city.

Balkans 29.03.20 | 19:54

Slovenia adopts a huge financial aid package to combat the effects of the corona epidemic

Slovenia is preparing a mega rescue package named the Corona Law, which will provide three billion EUR to prop up the economy in the expected economic downturn. Prime Minister Janez Jansa said that it will provide 700 EUR in assistance to self-employed citizens whose jobs evaporate, 150 EUR to students,...

Balkans 28.03.20 | 22:25

Albanian supporter in D.C. accuses the Trump administration of toppling the Albin Kurti Government

US Democratic congressman Eliot Engel accused the Trump administration of organizing the removal of the Albin Kurti Government in Kosovo. Engel, who is a long standing supporter of the Albanian nationalist cause in D.C. said that he has been “increasingly concerned with the heavy-handed tactics...

Balkans 26.03.20 | 09:41

Under international pressure, Kosovo Parliament ends Albin Kurti’s short-lived Government

The Parliament of Kosovo voted out the short-lived Albin Kurti Government. The populist leaders was undermined by open hostility from US diplomats, which pushed his coalition partner LDK to jump ship. A last minute intervention from a number of European Union countries, led by France and Germany, on...

Balkans 22.03.20 | 12:35

Zagreb hit by powerful earthquake

The earthquake that hit Zagreb early on Sunday morning had a magnitude of 5.5 on the Richter scale and it was followed by another two stronger tremors; strong quakes are usually followed by a number of tremors that cannot be predicted, Seismological Service head Ines Ivancic told a press conference.  This...

Balkans 18.03.20 | 10:17

Bulgaria quarantines the Bansko ski resort

Bulgarian authorities introduced a quarantine on the town and ski resort of Bansko, on Mt. Pirin. Bulgaria has a total of 81 coronavirus cases and three of them were diagnosed in Bansko, among people working in the ski resorts. The Government sees massively visited ski resorts as very dangerous for spreading...

Balkans 16.03.20 | 17:18

Albania will ban all evening gatherings

The Albanian Government ordered a ban on pedestrians and public gatherings after 18h. The measure is meant to prevent young people from holding parties in public spaces, as the cafes and clubs are closed. Prime Minister Edi Rama said that the public is free to mock his orders, but will have to respect...

Balkans 15.03.20 | 23:00

Serbia declares an emergency situation, closes its borders

Serbia declared a state of emergency because of the coronavirus. All borders are closed except for cargo and for Serbian citizens returning home, and the elderly are strongly advised to remain in their homes. Prime Minister Ana Brnabic said that the military will be sent to the borders to stop unregulated...

Balkans 12.03.20 | 09:33

Greece’s first coronavirus death confirmed

The 66-year-old retired professor who was hospitalised with coronavirus at the University Hospital of Patras in Rio, has passed away, Greek City Times reported. The patient developed symptoms of pneumonia as soon as he returned from a trip to the Holy Land. Several of his fellow travellers were also...
