Deputy PM for Economic Affairs Fatmir Bytyqi mentioned that the proposed legal solution to prevent officials’ wage increases by March will be ready either next week or by the year’s end at the latest. This solution will then be presented to Parliament for consideration.

Bytyqi emphasized the certainty of presenting this solution, highlighting that 61 MPs will be involved in its implementation, asserting there’s no room for an alternative approach. He firmly stated his stance against any new wage increases for officials, considering it the minimum course of action. He also stressed that negotiations with other stakeholders should not be necessary for this matter.

Regarding the discussion on reducing officials’ wages by 78 percent, Bytyqi underlined the necessity for consensus among the various categories of officials, including judges, prosecutors, mayors, MPs, ministers, and directors. He pointed out the difficulty in achieving agreement within society, especially on matters involving financial adjustments.

These remarks came after Bytyqi’s participation in the signing of an agreement regarding the reconstruction of a space designated for the Jazz Orchestra of Macedonia.