The Judicial Council will form a special commission to investigate the escape of Kosovan former UCK fighter Blerim Ramadani, who was briefly detained in Macedonia.

A controversial ethnic Albanian judge allowed Ramadani into house arrest, even though it was clear that he will likely escape. Ramadani is now back in Kosovo, having escaped the extradition process based on a Serbian war crimes warrant.

Faced with strong criticism from the public and from Prime Minister Hristijan Mickoski, Vesna Dameva, hjead of the Judicial Council, insisted that she was not formally notified of the incident, but that based on media reports she will form a commission. Judge Pajazit Pajaziti is seen as close to the powerful DUI party, led by UCK warlords, and has made a number of other controversial decisions. The incident comes at a time when Prime Minister Mickoski is pushing for a thorough reform of the Judicial Council after years of blatant corruption and political abuse of the judiciary.