First Deputy Prime Minister Artan Grubi was called out during a political dispute in neighboring Albania. The Albanian ruling Socialist Party is accusing opposition leader Lulzim Basha of the Democrat Party of cooperating with the investigation into the alleged gruesome organ harvesting operation conducted by the UCK/KLA guerrilla group. The UCK operated mainly in Kosovo but used safe bases in northern Albania and to a lesser extent in Macedonia. In north Albania, the group allegedly conducted a facility (so-called “Yellow house”) for harvesting organs from war prisoners as one of its sources of illicit income.

The Socialists allege that Basha, who worked as translator for international organizations that investigated the allegations, soiled the name of the UCK. The Democrats responded that Basha was never active in this investigation, but that Artan Grubi was. Grubi also had a career with international organizations, such as the Dutch Embassy in Macedonia, before becoming a nationalist activist and eventually a key confidant of DUI party leader Ali Ahmeti. Grubi is now de-facto co-Prime Minister alongside Zoran Zaev.