Companies owned or linked to Zoran Zaev’s brother Vice Zaev, owe more than a million EUR in unpaid taxes. The news site requested data from the UJP tax authority, and it shows the debt of three companies – Sara Engineering, Sara Javor, Dravas, all based in Strumica.

UJP told the news site that they are acting with regard to this unpaid debt just as they are acting in all other cases.

The companies are part of the business empire led by the Zaev family. On top of owing taxes, Sara Engineering was also involved in the collapse of the Eurostandard Bank – the largest such collapse in Macedonia in decades. The company received a loan from Eurostandard Bank of 600,000 EUr and hasn’t paid back any of the installments. Similarly, dozens of other companies, many of them from Strumica, contributed to the collapse of the bank by not paying back their loans.