There have always been escapes from prisons and there always will be. The last case that happened may have led to a situation that lasts longer because security measures were not deliberately taken and the rules for escorting a person to a medical facility were not followed, explains Viktor Cvetkovski, former director of the Administration for the Execution of Sanctions.

The medical nature of the injury to the limbs is debatable, which could have waited until the next day when the ambulances and hospitals would open. The problem is that it is allowed, the commander probably decides here, and here is the first mistake. The second is the conduct, the way he sat, whether he had tied his hands, etc. These are conscious omissions, it is certain that this was prepared and the time, the shift, and the avoidance of traffic jams were selected. This was prepared long before, says Cvetkovski in the interview with “Republika”.

He also explains how much money an escape costs.

It is about six-digit figures in euros, lawyer Cvetkovski reveals.

He says that it is an open secret that there is corruption in the Idrizovo prison, especially among the security service.

Prisons are too partisan, in Idrizovo and Sutka there are structures set up according to party hierarchies. It must be eradicated. It should be considered that politics should be involved in the penitentiaries, up to the director for the execution of sanctions, and that the directors of prisons should be professionals from within.

Cvetkovski also explains why the convicts in Idrizovo, for whom other cases are pending, cannot use conveniences such as absences.

It is a regulation that does not allow the use of benefits if you have other procedures pending. It is a regulation that the Minister of Justice brings at the proposal of the Administration for the Execution of Sanctions. It applies to all prisons and that regulation regulates how benefits are used. That regulation was brought by the then Minister Manevski and remained in operation. Back in 2017, it was said that they would change it, but it is still valid. The regulation is contrary to the Constitution, and discriminatory. There is the principle of presumption of innocence. The fact that a procedure is being conducted against someone does not mean that they will be convicted, the verdict may be negative or acquittal. This regulation directly affects the rights and conveniences of convicted persons.

Cvetkovski points out that although Idrizovo is the largest prison, it is not the strictest.

Prisons in Prilep and Stip are considered stricter because there is less connection, political and family, and therefore other prisons such as Bitola and Kumanovo are considered much stricter. The whole arrangement and bulky system of Idrizovo give many anomalies. The control in the penitentiary institutions must be daily, especially in Idrizovo, so that clans do not happen between the structures in the prison and the convicted persons.

Listen to the entire conversation in the video interview conducted by Igor Caveski