Police cooperation and the fight to deal with organized crime and transnational crime, and improving cooperation in the area of ​​border crossings were the focus of the talks of Minister Panche Toshkovski in Belgrade with the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Internal Affairs of Serbia, Ivica Dacic, reported the correspondent of MIA from Belgrade.

Yesterday, together with the minister, we ascertained the actual situation on the spot, we participated in the preventive action that we had at the border crossing, during which we assessed that we can improve the frequency of vehicles and people within the borders, so we agreed to form a working group that existed before, but now we hope to give results in a relatively short period of time, results that could lead us in the future to really check one position, and not two positions as it is now. Essentially, we should apply the one-stop system for checking our citizens. It was a key topic that we discussed, said Toškovski at the joint press conference with Dacic.

Toshkovski added that it was agreed that Serbia will send four police officers during the month of August who will be able to operate within the area of ​​the city of Ohrid and expressed gratitude for the help that Serbia provided in extinguishing fires.

Minister Dacic emphasized that Serbia is ready for cooperation and to help when needed. He emphasized that it is good that a communication line for emergency situations has been established.

Panche and I talked and we gave the best one, there was a need for help and we gave the best and strongest helicopter “Kamov” with seven members of the Ministry of the Interior, which made more than six sorties and helped put out the fires in Macedonia, said Dacic .

He added that a whole series of common issues were opened at the meeting, such as the fight against crime, the fight against irregular migration, human smuggling, the fight against arms and narcotics smuggling, as well as mutual assistance to maintain stable order and peace.

The meeting also discussed the exchange of experiences and the part related to the cooperation of the two training centers.