Jovan Despotovski, the Director of the Directorate for Technological and Industrial Zones (TIRZ), announced during a news conference held in front of the Museum of the City of Skopje that he will submit his candidacy for SDSM leader.

“The party is in a difficult situation and needs a fresh start,” he emphasized.

Standing in front of the old railway station, devastated by a deadly earthquake 61 years ago, Despotovski declared a new program for revitalizing SDSM. “Just as Skopje rose from the ashes to become the beautiful city it is today, we aim to rebuild SDSM into a new, unifying party,” he stated.

If elected party leader, Despotovski plans to introduce a mechanism for the party to function as a constructive opposition. “We will form a shadow government to provide citizens with alternatives for comparison. Our goal is to be a constructive opposition that doesn’t criticize for the sake of criticism, setting us apart from past practices in both the party and the country. We will seek cooperation with everyone, including our political opponents,” he said.

Despotovski also urged his opponents to work together for a fair election within the party, stating, “Only with a clear election process can SDSM begin the process of rebuilding.”