Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade Zoran Dimitrovski stated tonight that Washington encourages ongoing dialogue between Skopje and Sofia. He pointed out that for the dialogue to continue, a solution must be found. Dimitrovski emphasized that the progress of integration depends on Sofia not obstructing the process. He noted a standstill in the Historical Commission’s work between Skopje and Sofia.

“We are waiting for a legitimate government from Sofia,” he said. “It appears that new elections are likely. I hope that pro-European forces will return to power in Sofia and that they will understand the importance of Macedonia and Bulgaria living as good neighbors with mutual respect, without humiliation, and by accepting the Macedonian identity.” Dimitrovski shared these thoughts as a guest on “Kanal 5” television. When asked about the dialogue with Athens and a potential meeting between Prime Ministers Kyriakos Mitsotakis and Hristian Mickoski or at the foreign ministry level, he mentioned that such a meeting would be beneficial.

“I have no announcements, but I think it would be useful to hold such a meeting to continue the talks and ease mutual relations. More importantly, despite any differences, it is crucial to maintain and develop economic and cultural ties with Bulgaria and Greece,” Deputy Minister Dimitrovski concluded.