DUI’s Ali Ahmeti is pushing a proposal to create regions in Macedonia, as response to him being left out of Government for the first time in almost 20 years. The former warlord insists that the fact that DUI, which narrowly won more ethnic Albanian votes than the VLEN coalition, is not in the Government means that the Albanian vote is disrespected.

DUI is hiring international experts, including US law professor Paul Williams, who worked on the 2001 peace treaty, to draft this new proposal, which Ahmeti says will be modeled after Belgium and Northern Ireland. DUI will likely propose the creation of a majority Albanian region within Macedonia, which will lead to calls for future secession.

Prime Minister Hristijan Mickoski was asked about this move from Ahmeti. “What they are trying to sell to the public is again their policy of disintegration, to violate the unitary character of the country. I though they will draw a lesson and will apologize for their purchase of a business center in downtown Skopje, for their expensive vehicles, the rigged contracts, the judicial appointments. Everything else is just an attempt to protect themselves after the crimes they committed, said Mickoski.

VLEN responded to Ahmeti’s push. “Now they are in the opposition, after they lined their pockets, DUI are turning to fake patriotism. We will not allow them to sweep their corruption scandals under the rug”, responded VLEN, before listing the numerous scandals that include Ahmeti’s family and his top official such as Nazim Bushi and Ramiz Merko.