Today’s discussion between Venko Filipce, the president of the SDSM, and David Geer, whose term as the EU’s ambassador in North Macedonia is coming to an end, focused on the present mandate of the European ambassador and the country’s developments.According to SDSM, throughout the chat, Filipce voiced scepticism regarding the Government’s plans to maintain the strategic orientation towards the European Union.

I worry that the incoming government’s policies could permanently stall the processes of European integration. Filipche brought up this point during the discussion with Gir: “In just a few weeks, the VMRO-DPMNE government completely violated the positions of North Macedonia, opening already closed disputes and dramatically worsening the chances of continuing the European integration.”He told the envoy from Europe that SDSM will be the opposition’s voice for reform and clarity.

The state views European integration as a strategic objective, and SDSM will keep pushing for the defence of national interests and the promotion of democratic norms. As the opposition, SDSM will push for changes from all parties involved in Macedonian society. According to Filipce, the country’s prosperity, stability, and regional collaboration will all benefit from our nation’s increasing integration.

Gir was commended by the president of SDSM for his commitment and contributions to the nation.