In just two months, the government attracted four foreign investments and created over 1,500 new jobs, according to the General Secretariat.

The first investment was announced by Prime Minister Mickoski just one day after the new government was established. This project involves the construction of wind turbines with a capacity of up to 400MW by “Alcazar Energy,” valued at $500 million. It will be implemented in the municipalities of Radovish, Shtip, and Karbinci, with 55 wind turbines installed and 630 new jobs created, providing electricity to 100,000 citizens.

The second investment is from the German-Belgian company “Epsotech Aim” for a development research center and alert center in the industrial-technological zones of Petrovec Municipality. This project, worth 20 million euros, will generate 110 new jobs.

The third foreign investment comes from the American company “Webtec” for the production of rail vehicle brakes, worth 35 million euros. This initiative will create more than 100 new jobs in the Skopje Technological Industrial Development Zone.

The fourth investment is by the German “BMZ Group,” focusing on lithium-ion battery production in the Skopje Technological Industrial Development Zone. This 65 million euro project will create 700 new jobs.

In just two months, the positive effects of the government, led by President Hristijan Mickoski, are evident. The government’s priority is strong economic development and the complete transformation of the state to improve the quality and standard of living for its citizens. The government will continue to attract foreign investments and create more jobs, officials said.