The 20th anniversary of the Framework Agreement that put an end to the military conflict will be spectacularly celebrated on Friday. The DUI party, which emerged from the paramilitary NLA, through the Ministry of Political System and Community Relations is the main organizer of the celebration.

Over 300 guests, politicians, participants in the negotiations on the signing of this agreement, ambassadors have been invited to the event…

As Grubi himself announced, the celebration will cost half a million euros, stressing that it was not expensive as 300 guests would attend.

Moreover, the event is held only a few days before the start of the new restrictions for visiting venues, cafes, sports competitions, organizing events….

Under public pressure, Grubi canceled the concert he had planned on the square, but not the event at the Aleksandar Palace Hotel.

Just a week ago, the public was able to see how the Ilinden holiday was celebrated, one of the most important holidays in Macedonian history.

State officials were gathered alone under a tent without the presence of the people, and for the first time no speech was held. President Pendarovski justified it by saying that there was no need for a speech because people would whistle at him and that it caused divisions.