Dragi Raskovski influenced other defendants how to behave and manipulate the prosecutors, what is the guarantee that he will not do it again?, asked VMRO-DPMNE on Monday.

The party says that Raskovski sent messages to the defendants when communicating with him to write in professional terminology so that the prosecutors would not understand them.

“Listen, express yourself professionally, these are stupid, they will not understand anything.” This is the message that Dragi Raskovski sent to the owner of Invoka, a company from which he, as Secretary General of the General Secretariat of the Government, procured the software that he developed himself. After this message, Dragi Raskovski was transferred from house arrest to prison. This message indicates that Raskovski and Invoka’s boss have something to hide from the Public Prosecutor. What is the guarantee that Raskovski, who influenced defendants and witnesses, will not do the same again? How did the Public Prosecutor’s Office make sure that Raskovski will not influence the trial, the witnesses, and the evidence?, asked VMRO-DPMNE.

The party adds that Raskovski is also suspected of procuring several other software where there is a suspicion of corruption.