Stevo Pendarovski undermined Macedonian stances and caused national humiliation when he asserted that Gotse Delchev identified as Bulgarian.

Pendarovski received personal acclaim and encouragement for his stance from Andrej Kovachev. In contrast, Kovachev criticized President Mickoski for urging Pendarovski to retract his views, according to Mile Lefkov.

Rather than expressing remorse for Kovachev’s support, Pendarovski proudly proclaimed that he had direct backing from Andrej Kovachev, the MEP from GERB. Kovachev then reiterated his support, offering praise and encouragement.

This situation highlights who is responsible for undermining Macedonian positions and the reasons behind Macedonia’s humiliation and obstacles. In contrast to Stevo Pendarovski and SDS, VMRO-DPMNE aligns itself with Macedonian national interests.