At yesterday’s press conference, Petrovska admitted that she was the owner of a plot of land that she sold 10 years ago. Petrovska’s denial of this information came from the director of Cadastre who publicly stated that the land was sold during 2020, Dragan Kovacki, MP and member of the EC of VMRO-DPMNE, points out.

So the plot was not sold 10 years ago, but about 2 years ago. Was the plot, which is indisputably the property of Petrovska, reported, which she was obliged to report? Of course not? Why? Now for the second lie. Dissatisfied with Petrovska’s statement, SDSM decided late in the evening to activate the director of the cadastre with the task of being her savior, that is, to convince the public that there is no building on the spot. If the director of the cadastre sleeps for five years, it does not mean that Google sleeps, he said.

Kovacki showed pictures from which you can see the entire history of the building.

In the first picture, you can see that until 2007 there was no building on the plot. In the following picture you can see that in 2009, without any construction technical documentation, Minister Petrovska is building a building. So, for the first time, the image from Google shows a building on a plot of land that is indisputably the property of Minister Petrovska.

He further pointed out that according to Google, in 2012, a swimming pool was also built next to the Petrovska house!

In the cadastral records to this day, the illegal construction is registered in the name of Petrovska, and she did not report either the land or the building to the anti-corruption commission, and perhaps the most important until the last elections in 2021, Petrovska’s place of residence is exactly this building, that is, this luxurious hacienda, and she votes in polling station no. 2948/1 exactly in Radisani.

Petrovska, after this act of concealing her own property and using manipulations and insults to those who speak the truth, proves that she is running away from responsibility. The public is waiting for responsibility from Petrovska, and then she should stay true to her promises and say when she will give the luxury hacienda to the defenders’ associations, he pointed out.