The president of the Democratic Movement, which is part of the “Vredi” Coalition, Izet Medjeti confirmed that the new government will be formed after the Eid holiday, that is, on June 19 or 20.

In a statement to “Alsat” Television, Mejiti also announced that he will be the first vice-prime minister and minister of ecology, while the mayor of Gostivar Municipality Arben Taravari will be the minister of health. The 20-day deadline for the formation of a government is running out after the incumbent Hristijan Mickoski received the mandate on Thursday. for the formation of a government. The new government will have 20 ministries, four more than before. VMRO-DPMNE held talks with the coalition Vredi and ZNAM about the formation of the government. The division of departments is known, and names have not yet been announced officially.

The amendments to the Law on State Administration, which were passed late on Friday evening at the parliamentary session, foresee that the labor segment will be added to the Ministry of Economy, and the energy, mining and mineral resources section will be under the jurisdiction of the new Ministry of Energy. The current Ministry of Labor and Social Policy will grow into the Ministry of Social Policy, Demography and Youth, and the powers for tourism will be under the new Ministry of Culture, which will be called the Ministry of Culture and Tourism. A Ministry of Digital Transformation will be established, which will succeed the previous Ministry of Information Technology and Administration, as well as the Ministry of Sports.