Prime Minister Hristijan Mickoski enjoys the greatest trust among citizens, according to the data from the latest IPIS survey conducted between June 18 and 21.

According to the answers, 27.8 percent of those surveyed have the greatest confidence in Mickoski. The other politicians listed in the survey enjoy less than 10 percent trust. If there are parliamentary elections next week, VMRO-DPMNE will win, according to the survey.

A high 28 percent declared that they would cast their vote for the ruling party. 10.1 percent of those surveyed would vote for SDSM, 8.9 percent for the DUI coalition, and 7.8 percent would vote for the VLEN coalition.

15.5 percent of those surveyed did not want to give an answer to this question, while 13 percent declared that they would not vote for any party. In the survey, citizens expressed their views on their support for political parties and politicians, as well as on certain current issues.