Speaking at the 34th anniversary of the establishment of the VMRO-DPMNE Municipal Committee in Sopiste, party president and Prime Minister Hristijan Mickoski stated that, despite various speculations over the years, his government has established complete control over the country’s institutions and the state.

We promised that Ali Ahmeti, Artan Grubi, Bujar Osmani, and others would not be in the government, and they are not. Yet, conspiracy theories continue to circulate. For six years, I’ve heard predictions that never materialized. Some said I would cave to pressure, bring in the Bulgarians, or make other concessions. But none of that happened. These claims often come from those with supposed inside information, yet they are baseless. I tell you now, be calm. In these 50 days, VMRO-DPMNE has established complete control over the institutions and the state. The country will endure, and Macedonia will prevail!” he declared.