The citizens who came out and voted in an overwhelming majority for the Coalition “Your Macedonia” led by VMRO-DPMNE, who came out and voted for the other political parties and coalitions because that way they gave legitimacy to the process. The citizens who participated in this entire process and thus made the process itself democratic, I would also like to thank those who did not vote for us, that is, who voted for the current government coalition. This is democracy, the right to choose everyone is inviolable, human rights are inviolable and we should stick to these constants in the future as a future government, noted the leader of VMRO-DPMNE Mickoski at the presentation of the mandate.

I want to announce that a new government, a reform government, will be formed soon. A government that will have the basic goal and task of dealing with reforms, moving the processes forward, not to sink as a state and society in the political swamp of inter-political disputes, but to develop our country, the citizens of Macedonia to feel good, to there are no first and second class citizens, we should all be equal.

Let’s get things moving in the economy, reforms in the economy, a strong investment cycle, that’s what the citizens expect from us, improvement of the standard of living. Also improving the standard of living and increasing pensions for retirees, one of the leading promises we had in the campaign. Of course, this is the state of health care in the 21st century, that unfortunately patients lose their lives waiting in the corridors, and the operating theaters remain in the state they are in these days.

For the students to receive textbooks on the first of September, what is important, although I know that here we will have a fierce and serious challenge, because the situation in the Ministry of Education, where this minister is, not only did not start this process, but deliberately obstructed it for yes, here, on the first of September when the school year starts, the students do not have textbooks in front of them.

To have satisfied members of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Defense. Diplomacy that in the world will defend, protect the interests of our family, of our Macedonian family, and not the personal interests of individuals, some of them, unfortunately, will have to be called to a serious conversation by to the competent minister who is responsible for the work of our diplomatic representatives.

At the same time, the rule of law will be our basic guide, something that has been missing, I would say, for these seven years. We continued to sink on all metrics and all relevant rankings.

The perception of crime and corruption is huge, citizens have a revolt within themselves, they feel unsafe. This is one of the main reasons why they leave Macedonia, in addition to all these, I would say, bad living conditions, and that is the perception of the high level of crime and corruption, and here I do not mean only political crime and corruption, although we as politicians are responsible for it. Here, I am talking about the level of criminality that we see in the streets of our Macedonia.These are challenges like many others that the future government will have to solve, we have a way, we are motivated, we went to these elections with the program, “Platforma 1198”, most of the solutions for all these layered problems are there. We received almost half a million votes from the citizens in the elections for that program and that program should be implemented, that reform program.

Once again, I thank the president, I thank you, the media, the cameramen who were with us all the time in the past period, and finally to Finally, thanks to the citizens once again for the patience and huge support that they have given us and that obligates us to be the best of anyone so far.