If it is true, once again the government is showing fear, they are afraid, they are running away from the people, they are running away from early elections, they are running away from the Referendum and I really don’t know if they deserve the epithet of being the government because the only thing they are not running away from is crime, theft and tenders in private. VMRO-DPMNE leader, Hristijan Mickoski, responded to a journalist’s question regarding the announcements that the government will reject the Referendum initiative.

Mickoski added that if the initiative for the Referendum is rejected, the government will sacrifice further deterioration of relations with the opposition, and the only responsible for that will be the Government.

If this is indeed confirmed, then they sacrifice further deterioration of the relations between the Government and the opposition, and I warn that the only responsible for that will be the Government in these difficult times because it does not show democratic capacity, stressed Mickoski.

He still left room that the announcements about the rejection of the Referendum initiative will turn out to be just speculations and the Parliament will allow the signatures to be collected for the people to decide on the Referendum.