VMRO-DPMNE President Hristijan Mickoski announced that the party has submitted a proposal for reorganization of the Government, as he is expected to receive the mandate to form the next Government tomorrow from President Gordana Siljanovska – Davkova. Regarding the dispute with Greece, Mickoski said that the Government will respect the Prespa Treaty, but he will only use the name Macedonia in his public remarks.

We promised a functional state, an efficient Government, respect for the rule of law and reforms. The enormous confidence we received from the citizens means that they rightfully expect us to ensure the rule of law, that there are no second class citizens, that pupils have textbooks at the beginning of the year, patients receive care in the public healthcare and farmers get their subsidies, Mickoski said.

The changes, that will need to be put into place by 80 votes – a few more than what VMRO, VLEN and ZNAM formally have at the moment, will include the creation of new ministries for energy, youth and sports and digital transformation. The Labour and Welfare Ministry will have some of its competencies moved to the Economy Ministry and will be transformed into a ministry focused on demographics and youth. The Culture Ministry will also receive competencies in the area of tourism. The forming coalition will also try to amend the law regulating election of mayors – the changes should allow two prospective ministers who are currently elected mayors to be replaced in their roles without the need of early municipal elections, as the local elections are scheduled to take place less than a year from now anyway.

Speaking about the dispute with Greece, which will closely follow whether Mickoski will use the imposed name of the country during his swearing in ceremony, the future Prime Minister said that the country is and remains Macedonia, and that he will refer to it as such in his speeches, while the documents will include the imposed name.

I don’t expect a Taliban style approach, with censoring of a basic human right. The future VMRO-DPMNE led Government will honor everything that is part of the Prespa Treaty. The legal changes we submitted today include the adjective. But it is my human right, guaranteed by numerous conventions, that I have the right to free speech and expression. I’m not mad at politicians who don’t say the full name of their country, but only use a part of that name. For my, my homeland, in all my statements, is and will remain Macedonia, Mickoski said.