Economic revival, increases in pensions and salaries, investments in education, health, and culture, the fight against corruption, accountability for every crime, and reforms in line with European standards were announced by the mandate holder and prime minister of the new government, Hristijan Mickoski from VMRO-DPMNE.

At today’s parliamentary session, where the future government is being chosen, Mickoski already announced an investment of 400 million euros for Tuesday, followed by a reduction in taxes and an increase in pensions.

According to the Assembly’s Rules of Procedure, the session is scheduled to last a maximum of two days and should end by midnight tomorrow at the latest. The government will be elected if the majority of the total number of deputies vote for it.

The new government will have a total of 20 ministries, four more than before. The government will have 24 members. In addition to the Prime Minister, there will be 23 other Deputy Prime Ministers and Ministers, 20 of whom have portfolios. Mickoski will have five deputies or vice prime ministers, one of whom will be the “first vice prime minister.” In the government cabinet, 15 members are from the coalition led by VMRO-DPMNE, six from the Vredi coalition, and two from ZNAM.