Mickoski: We submitted a proposal for amendments to the Law on Energy, which will not increase the price of electricity for households
In the past few days, one topic stirred up passions in the public, and justifiably, it was the price of electricity, which will be practically regulated by the Regulatory Commission for Energy of Macedonia in the coming weeks, and which will be applicable, i.e. valid from the first of July. as of December 31, 2024.
Information spread to the public that it will undergo significant corrections in a negative trend for the citizens, that is, it will be increased, leader Mickoski said.

As a future government, we do not want to interfere in the work of independent regulatory bodies. But also as a future Government we have a responsibility, and we promised to the citizens during the campaign during the presidential and parliamentary elections that they will be our priority, the standard of the citizens will be our priority and as such and as a future Government we intend to seriously care about the standard of citizens.
And let’s not allow that same standard to be compromised or threatened due to petty interests of individuals.

In that sense, a group of MPs from the Coalition “Your Macedonia” led by VMRO-DPMNE, signed by me first, submitted to the Archives of the Macedonian Assembly a draft law to supplement the Law on Energy after abbreviated procedure. What is this proposed law to supplement the Law on Energy? It is actually a proposed law with which there will be no increase in the price of electricity for the household, that is, the standard of the citizens will be protected.

And, with this proposed law, what has spread to the public these past days as information will not be allowed to dramatically increase the price of electricity.
We appreciate that with this proposed law to supplement the Law on Energy after a shortened procedure, especially the households that are in the first and second groups will not receive increased electricity bills. And we also expect those who enter the third and fourth groups that the increase in the price of electricity will not be significant, that is, it will range between 1 and 2%.
That is what we as the future government can do.
In other words, there will be no increase in the price of electricity for households that receive electricity from the universal supplier. Now I would go into the essence a little, I will also need an expert explanation, I will try to bring it all closer to you in a simple way, so that the Macedonian public, the citizens, can understand it more clearly.

How is the price of electricity formed? The price is formed as a sum of four gatherings. It is the price charged by MEPSO for its services, the price charged by EVN Distribution for its services, the price charged by the MEMO market operator, plus the price of electricity itself.

You heard in public that the very price of electricity that ESM formerly ELEM will deliver to the company that is a universal supplier, officially we have not seen that price yet, but we heard that the government made a decision at one of the sessions that that price increase. From the fact that we could hear in public the price of 57, they made a decision to increase it to 60 euros per megawatt hour, we will see if that is the case.
But since we are careful, we said that our priority is the citizens and their standard, that’s why we are taking measures ahead of time to prevent this price shock from happening, so that later we have an inflationary spiral that will start the standard of our citizens.