Mirko Popov, techno musician and one of the outspoken supporters of the SDSM led Colored Revolution, came out in support of Macedonia continuing to negotiate with Bulgaria and make concessions.

In a heated debate with other former Colored Revolution activists, who pointed out to Popov that the compromises made with Greece only increased Bulgaria’s appetite, Popov replied by insisting that “with the Bulgarians we speak more or less the same language, the differences are in the dialect, let’s not kid ourselves. As the Serbs and the Croats speak different languages, so do the Macedonians and the Bulgarians. Let’s stop kidding ourselves”, Popov said.

One of the key demands Bulgaria placed before Macedonia, as it blocks Macedonia’s EU accession talks, is to secure an acknowledgement that the Macedonian language is not a stand-alone language but a dialect of the Bulgarian.