MP and member of the IC of VMRO-DPMNE, Marija Miteva, reacts that SDS and Filipče are silent for more than 48 hours about 5 apartments of Venko Filipče in Skopje, which now 6 years after he first became an official, he reports that he owns them, and acquired them before even entering politics.

The silence from the competent institutions is also worrying. It is enough to look at Filipce’s two poll sheets from 2018 and 2024, and one will come to a simple conclusion that the property he owns now was acquired before 2018, but he did not report it when he became a minister. It is even more surprising that he did not declare the property he declared in 2018, nor did he declare the realized income from the sale.

We appeal to the SCSC to immediately open a case and to initiate proceedings against Filipce.

The real estate that Filipche reported in 2018, but is now missing, is over 600,000 euros. Where is the property, and if he sold it, why didn’t he declare the money?

The real estate that Filipche reported in 2024, and we emphasize that it was acquired before 2018, according to the available information, can be estimated at over 700,000 euros.

Did Venko Filipce hide assets and forget what he reported in 2018? How much property is Venko Filipce hiding? If you add up the value of Filipche’s real estate from 2018 and 2024, you get a sum of over 1.3 million euros.

Institutions must not remain silent. Filipche and SDS should start giving answers instead of being silent, Miteva pointed out in her reaction.