VMRO-DPMNE’s Vice President, Timcho Mucunski, affirmed on Tuesday that the formation of the new government will adhere to constitutional deadlines, with negotiations ongoing among VMRO-DPMNE, Worth It, and ZNAM. He expressed confidence that the government will be established before the final deadline.

Mucunski stated, “Talks are ongoing. The prime minister-designate, VMRO-DPMNE’s leader, has not yet formally received the mandate, implying that constitutional deadlines are in effect. What I can confirm is that the new government will be constituted within these constitutional deadlines.”

Regarding the allocation of positions, Mucunski mentioned that the discussion on which VMRO-DPMNE official will assume which role is a process to be deliberated with the future prime minister, as well as within the party’s structures.

He anticipated that the new government would be formed slightly ahead of the final deadline, with the mandate likely to be presented this week. However, he noted, “This decision lies in the discussions between the prime minister-designate and the President of the country.”

According to reports from MIA, President Siljanovska-Davkova is expected to entrust the mandate for government formation to VMRO-DPMNE leader Hristijan Mickoski on Thursday, marking the commencement of the 20-day period for government formation.