VMRO-DPMNE is finalizing its government formation talks with the ethnic Albanian coalition Worth It, with plans to establish the government by the end of June, according to VMRO-DPMNE vice president Timcho Mucunski in an appearance on Sitel TV.

While Mucunski did not disclose specifics about their negotiations with the ZNAM Movement to secure a two-thirds majority in Parliament, he indicated that VMRO-DPMNE could potentially have more than 70 lawmakers.

“It is possible the government coalition will have 80,” Mucunski stated. “With Worth It, and potentially with ZNAM, we could achieve a two-thirds majority. Our aim is to amend the Law on Organization and Operation of State Administration Bodies before the new government is formed.”

“This was one of our promises, as it will modernize the government and eliminate numerous inefficient institutions. I believe we will achieve a strong consensus,” Mucunski added, noting that DUI should be in the opposition.

Regarding the Prespa Agreement, Mucunski emphasized that both parties should fulfill their obligations, highlighting that Greece also has responsibilities.

“VMRO-DPMNE does not favor the Prespa Agreement,” Mucunski said. “We have consistently stated it is wrong and humiliating, and this stance remains unchanged. However, we cannot ignore the constitutional and legal reality it has created in our country.”

He reiterated the party’s stance that it would support the constitutional inclusion of the Bulgarian minority only if its practical implementation is delayed, and stressed that Bulgaria should adhere to the judgments of the Strasbourg Court.

“VMRO-DPMNE must now implement what it has previously advocated. We are a party that has proposed solutions to make the EU integration process predictable, while also ensuring some security. Our positions remain firm. With the support of our strategic partners and our neighbor Bulgaria, I believe our idea can be realized,” Mucunski said.