The proposed new law for local administration will allow the citizens to revoke their Mayor, and will introduce communal police. Local Administration Minister Zlatko Perinski said that the existing, 20 years old law governing the municipalities in Macedonia, is dated and in need of reform, and that the changes will be introduced through a broad consensus and with the help of international experts.

Kisela Voda Mayor Orce Gjorgjievski, who heads the ZELS association of municipalities, said that the Mayors have too much power that comes from the lack of option to revoke them. He cited the example of Skopje Mayor Danela Arsovska, who has ruled erratically and incompetently, but defies the City Council and calls from the Government, undermining basic services in the capital.

Let’s find a mutual solution and change this anomaly. The law will be modified to meet the modern needs, and will prevent destruction of municipal property, clarify areas of divided competence and prevent negative developments, added Minister Perinski, speaking about the introduction of municipal police units, an idea that was borne after videos of youths destroying a playground in Skopje.