Regarding Bulgaria, we have said that there will be no constitutional amendments under Bulgarian diktat. We clearly stated in our program what our positions are. Our position is that Bulgaria fulfills its obligations to the European Court of Human Rights and applies the judgments, and our position is that we must have a guarantee that there will be no further vetoes, said Aleksandar Nikoloski, vice-president of VMRO-DPMNE and proposal for minister of transport on a guest appearance in the Channel 5 Television Diary.

According to Nikoloski, the best guarantee that there will be no veto in the future is that if any step is taken towards Bulgaria, it will be effective upon completion of the negotiations, and not tied to the beginning of the negotiations.

Nikoloski also referred to the negotiation framework with the EU.

Regarding the negotiation framework, it has been said that none of us is asking for a change in the negotiation framework, what we are asking is firstly, that Bulgaria respects its obligations and secondly, that we will not make constitutional changes under Bulgarian dictation, says Nikoloski.

Nikoloski said that if the EU wants Macedonia to start negotiations, the same can be realized.

If the EU believes that Macedonia should negotiate and become a member, there are many mechanisms with which it can force Bulgaria to withdraw the veto, if it believes that we should not negotiate then we will not negotiate and we will develop the country independently, said Nikoloski.