Aleksandar Nikoloski, VMRO-DPMNE MP, executive committee member, and candidate for Deputy PM and Minister of Transport, announced on Wednesday plans to reduce the number of institutions and director positions, along with the elimination of several agencies related to ministries.

During an interview on Telma TV’s Top Tema, Nikoloski explained that the country will see a 20 percent reduction in institutions and officials’ positions, including economic directors.

“Hospitals will no longer have two directors, which we believe has contributed to the system’s inefficiencies. Consequently, the Clinical Center will have one director, the Health Insurance Fund will have one director instead of two, and hospitals nationwide will also have a single director,” Nikoloski stated.

He further mentioned that several agencies connected to ministries will be abolished.

“The Energy Agency and the Fund for Innovation will be scrapped, and a thorough investigation will be conducted,” Nikoloski said.

Nikoloski emphasized that not all newly appointed positions will be politically motivated. He also highlighted the need for reforms to create a more efficient administration, which includes reducing the number of employees.

“We all know that the public administration is overly large and inefficient, while the private sector faces a workforce shortage. These issues must be addressed to benefit the private sector. For a more efficient state, the public sector must be downsized, allowing the private sector to expand,” Nikoloski concluded.