With the changes in the Law on the Organization and Work of the Administration Bodies, we have streamlined many institutions. Our aim is to make a second reduction in directorships, said Aleksandar Nikoloski, MP and member of the Executive Committee of VMRO-DPMNE, who will be the future Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Transport, during tonight’s guest appearance on the Top Topic show broadcast on Telma TV.

“It is true that we have reduced the number of institutions in the country by about 20 percent, and this includes a similar reduction in official positions,” said Nikoloski.

Nikoloski indicated that there will be cuts in the section of so-called economic directors. “Therefore, there will no longer be two directors in the hospitals because we believe this is one of the reasons for the collapse of the system. There will be only one director for clinical purposes, the FZO will have one director instead of two, and hospitals across the country will also have one director instead of two,” said Nikoloski.

Nikoloski informed that with the establishment of new ministries, several agencies are being eliminated. “The Energy Agency is being abolished, and the Innovation Fund will face a serious investigation, along with numerous other institutions,” said Nikoloski.

Summarizing the reforms aimed at more efficient work, Nikoloski indicated that the goal is to reduce the number of employees and create a more efficient administration.