The Macedonian Parliament begins today its session to appoint the new Government led by VMRO-DPMNE President Hristijan Mickoski. According to the rules of the Parliament, the session should end by Sunday late evening.

The Government will include 24 ministers and Deputy Prime Ministers. Pance Toskovski will resume his role as Interior Minister, Timco Mucunski will be the next Foreign Minister and Gordana Kocoska Dimitrieska is the next Finance Minister. Aleksandar Nikoloski will be Deputy Prime Minister and Transportation Minister. Besides Stoiljkovic, Ljupco Dimovski from the Socialist Party will also be a Deputy Prime Minister from the broader VMRO-DPMNE led coalition and will lead the Ministry for Political System. Izet Mexhiti, leader of the Democratic Alliance and one of the key VLEN officials, will also be Deputy Prime Minister and will be in charge of the Environment Ministry. Alliance of Albanians official Arben Fetai will be Deputy Prime Minister for good governance – a position focused on exposing conflict of interest and corruption. Shaban Saliu will be minister without a department, tasked with representing the Roma community in the Government.

VMRO-DPMNE International Secretary Stefan Andonovski will lead the newly formed Digitalization Ministry. Energy expert Sanja Bozinovska will be in charge of the newly created Energy and Mining Ministry. Vesna Janevska is the next Education Minister, and Gostivar Mayor Arben Taravari from the Alliance of Albanians is the next Healthcare Minister.

VMRO nominated Cvetan Tripunovski as Agriculture Minister, Zlatko Perinski as Local Administration Minister, Zoran Ljutkov as the next Culture and Tourism Minister, and handball player Borko Ristovski will be at the helm of the newly created Sports Ministry.
Fatmir Limani is nominated by the BESA party (VLEN coalition) as Minister for Welfare Policies, Demography and Youth. Besar Durmishi (also from BESA) is proposed as Economy Minister and Orhan Murtezani (Alternative Party) – as Minister for EU Affairs.

ZNAM nominated Igor Filkov as Justice Minister and Goran Mincev as Public Administration Minister.