Prime Minister Hristijan Mickoski met today with former US diplomat and head of National Intelligence Richard Grenell. Mickoski was accompanied by Foreign Minister Timco Mucunski, and discussed the current events in the Western Balkans, as well as development and investment opportunities in Macedonia.

We emphasized the importance of peace, security, stability and deepening of cooperation between the countries in this part of Europe. Special emphasis was placed on the relations between the United States and the Republic of Macedonia, as well as on the opportunities to further strengthen them. The President of the Government Hristijan Mickoski expressed particular gratitude to Mr. Grenell for his dedication to the elevation of overall relations between the two countries. He emphasized that the Government remains strongly comitted to deepening the strategic cooperation, with especial attention given to the areas of rule of law, economy and energy, is noted in the press release issued by the Government.

The Government informs that Mickoski and Grenell discussed the possibility for American participation in the major energy project Cebren – the planned construction of a large dam on the Crna River near Kavadarci, that has strategic importance for the energy independence of Macedonia. A Greek attempt to implement the project under the previous DUI – SDSM led Government failed recently.

Mickoski and Grenell met once already during the Prime Minister’s visit to Washington, for the NATO summit, in July.