In her Ilinden remarks, President Gordana Siljanovska – Davkova said that the republican, democratic and anti-Fascist foundation of Macedonia, determined at the 1944 ASNOM assembly, are “pulsating with the European progressive ideals”.
– Today, our independent Republic is compatible with the project of united Europe, as you can recognize, in the ASNOM foundations, the progressive European values, said President Silianovska, who attended the honoring of ASNOM in Pelince and the Prohor Pcinski monastery.
She pointed out that Macedonia faced “constantly shifting unprincipled conditions” on its path toward the formal EU membership.
– We are equal heirs to the top European advances. Not only in geography but in values, in politics and economically we belong with the grand European family. We know we have many friends among the EU member states who support us and who awaken the European conscience on the issue of our marathon accession process. We must help our friends by not straying from our European path, which is also our path, Siljanovska added.
Meanwhile, Prime Minister Hristijan Mickoski, who was the keynote speaker at the honoring of the Ilinden Uprising in Krusevo, said that on the issue of the stalled European integrations, his Government will work toward Macedonia integrated in the EU on principled grounds, between equal partners, and not between masters and servants.
– No matter how many times they ask me and in how many forms they field the question about Bulgaria, the answer will always be the same – we are for a dignified solution, and we want a solution, but not at the cost of our identity and with trampled dignity. There is no doubt i our determination to join the European Union, and in our dedication to meet the criteria. We are not doing this to appease someone on the outside, but to help ourselves. But there should also be no doubt that the process is taking too long, with too many obstacles and demands that are not always reasonable, and are far too political, said Prime Minister Mickoski.