Gordana Siljanovska-Davkova, the candidate for state president of VMRO-DPMNE is in a convincing advantage over the SDSM candidate and current state president Stevo Pendarovski.

The citizens are clearly not satisfied with the work of the current president and on a scale from 1 to 10 they gave him a score of 4.02. These are part of the results of the telephone survey conducted on 1,200 respondents by the Market Vision agency from March 15 to 24, and by order of the editorial office of MKD.mk.

Regarding how important the position of the president of the state is in Macedonia, 59.4 of the surveyed citizens answered that it is very important, and for 8.5 percent of them that position is unimportant. The assessment of the work of the current president of the state, Stevo Pendarovski, on a scale of 1 to 10 is 4.02. This grade for the work of the Government is 3.03. The satisfaction with Pendarovski’s work can also be seen in the answer to the question of whether he deserves a second mandate – 63.3% of the citizens say “no”, and 22.3% answered “yes”. The interest of the citizens in voting in the presidential elections is obvious. scheduled for April 24. Unlike the parliamentary ones, where 66.6 percent of the citizens expressed readiness to go to the elections, even 72.1 percent of the citizens would go to the elections for the head of the state. The advantage of Siljanovska-Davkova over Pendarovski is almost 2:1. The duel between the candidates in the Albanian block, Bujar Osmani and Arben Taravari, is interesting. 7.9% of citizens would vote for Osmani as a candidate of the DUI coalition, and 5.8% would vote for Taravari as a candidate of the Albanian opposition.

The presidential candidate of ZNAM, Maxim Dimitrievski, is highly positioned with 6.9 percent of the surveyed citizens, which means third place among the Macedonian candidates. In the free answer to the survey about which politician you believe in, Dimitrievski is even ahead of Pendarovski. The survey shows a great conviction of the citizens that Gordamna Siljanovska-Davkova will win the presidential elections. And when asked if Siljanovska-Davkova and Pendarovski will be placed in the second round , the citizens give priority to the victory of the VMRO-DPMNE candidate.

The survey was conducted from March 15 to 24, 2024 using the CATI method – telephone survey, on a sample of 1,200 respondents (statistical error: 3%; confidence interval: 99%).

The sample is representative at the level of Macedonia according to: region, gender, age and ethnicity according to the data on the resident population from the 2021 census.