DUI has taken over the Government in a sultanic type of rule, warned VMRO-DPMNE presidential candidate Gordana Siljanovska – Davkova during the party’s rally in Delcevo yesterday. She pointed to the party’s overwhelming influence over the nominally senior coalition partner SDSM, which is displayed in major policy moves as well as in small details – such as using government offices for personal and party events.

Have you seen a Prime Minister ever celebrating his birthday in the Government building? My friends, they are privatizing the country and use the institutions as their own castles. They act like Roman consuls. Artan Grubi gave his Ministry to the Sultan Ali Ahmeti to use it for meetings with foreign diplomats, for birthday celebrations, even for singing classes. What kind of a country is this? A country on the decline, a weak country, and we must not allow it to fail, Siljanovska said.

Interim Prime Minister Talat Xhaferi recently had his family at the Government building which hosted his birthday celebration, while Grubi made a practice to use the building of the Political System Ministry as a DUI party office. Even SDSM leader Kovacevski condemned Grubi’s practice to hold mini football games in his office with other DUI ministers.