Prime Minister Hristijan Mickovski continues his diary. In 7 days after taking office, he wrote a Decision for 250 million euros for development and capital projects of the municipalities

His status reads:

We promised the development of the municipalities and now we are making it happen by providing 250 million euros for infrastructure development.
I had a working meeting with the Minister of Finance Gordana Dimitrieska-Kochoska and the Minister of Local Self-Government Zlatko Perinski, where we determined the method of allocation of funds to the municipalities. After the rebalancing and the Government’s decision at the end of next month, the Ministry of Local Self-Government will announce a call to all municipalities to apply for these funds. The funds are earmarked for capital investments, including schools, kindergartens, water supply, sewerage and road infrastructure.

In this way, we actually improve the life of the citizens and put the state in the function of their needs.

It is time for the state to do more for every single citizen. We are working with all our energy to realize the promise.

We fulfill!

For you! MacedoniaFor you