Resolving the church issue is the last major state-building exam passed by the Republic of Macedonia. With that, the foundations of the church and the state are further strengthened, and the citizens, given the declared unity, are even more united with each other, says Aleksandar Spasenovski.

He points out that internationally, the Church and the state will be even more networked by further affirming the Macedonian language, culture and uniqueness. At the same time, they will be inspired by the best examples of other churches in the Orthodox ecumenism, as well as by their state authorities.

Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew crowns his three-decade service with another colossal work worthy of great respect and glory. Archbishop Stefan, who carefully headed the Church, also played an important role, which is the subject of widespread public appreciation. In fact, because of this, the work of the two heads is a great blessing for all of us because we have the rare opportunity to witness the act of inclusion of the successor of the famous Ohrid Archbishopric in the community with other Orthodox churches headed by the Ecumenical Patriarchate, stressed Spasenovski.