What I can say for the time being is that the negotiation process is based on principles, above all the European integration process, the fight against crime and corruption, as well as the need for certain reforms for accelerated economic development, replied the spokesperson of VMRO-DPMNE, Naum Stoilkovski to the question posed by the media about the progress of the negotiations with the coalition partners.

Stoilkovski added that in that context, VMRO-DPMNE pays attention to the personal solutions that are offered in the coalition negotiations. And they should not be compromised in any way and should be committed to the work and the reforms that will follow.

For now, what can be said is that the negotiations are in an advanced stage, but there is still no final agreement and until the official moment when it can be announced, we will not announce any details. Departments of economic and political nature are also being discussed, but the most important thing is that they accept the principles of the Government and the general program objectives, clarified the spokesperson of VMRO-DPMNE.

He pointed out that in the negotiations, attention is paid to the quality of the division itself and to the number that VMRO-DPMNE has in won MPs for this parliamentary composition.

I can say that the negotiations will continue in the following days, concluded Stoilkovski.