Today’s Judicial Council session was marked by intense exchanges between Council President Vesna Dameva and Judge Lazar Nanev, involving accusations of personal defamation, damaged reputations, and humiliation. The conflict centered on Dameva’s cousin, Ljupco Grkov, who is wanted internationally. Dameva called for accountability from Nanev, claiming that his statements about the Judicial Council’s failure to protect him from Grkov’s threats, and her alleged influence on Grkov’s extradition, harmed both her and the Council’s reputation.

Dameva acknowledged Grkov is her relative but clarified that she has had no contact with him since 2017 due to his actions. She argued that Nanev should have sought protection from relevant authorities instead.

Nanev, however, insisted that Grkov had “threatened to kill him for several years,” with his family also being targeted. Grkov, currently in London, was sentenced to a year in prison for endangering Nanev’s safety.

Tensions escalated when Dameva accused Nanev of speaking too loudly, stating it frightened her. She also alleged that Nanev’s actions were aimed at influencing another ongoing Judicial Council proceeding against him, concerning claims of negligence and unprofessional behavior. Specifically, Nanev allegedly made 95 phone calls with Vancho Kuzmanov, an accused individual in a case Nanev was overseeing.

In his defense, Nanev explained that during the phone calls, Kuzmanov was only a suspect. He suggested that Dameva’s push for accountability was an attempt to block his career advancement. Nanev ultimately acquitted Kuzmanov of charges related to the illegal transfer of excise goods.