Bird flu has been detected in Macedonia!, alarmed VMRO-DPMNE, which accuses the government of being silent instead of informing the public and taking urgent measures.

Although one of Ljupco Nikolovski’s first working visits took place at the Food and Veterinary Agency, where the intention was to show the institutional capacity of the department, all their media efforts failed. In a very short time Macedonia is facing another vicious infectious disease, bird flu infections in poultry. The disease is laboratory confirmed in the village of Zlokukjani, Municipality of Karpos, but the authorities in the Food and Veterinary Agency behave as if they are on a collective vacation. The public is not informed, the NCDC (National Center for Disease Control) cannot gather, much less adopt a set of measures, poultry production facilities are not informed, and therefore are not placed in a state of increased alertness, said VMRO-DPMNE.

The party asks what should happen in the country for the people responsible to be held accountable.