The 11th session of Working Group 1 (Chapter 11) – Agriculture and Rural Development at the National Convention on the European Union in the Republic of North Macedonia (NCEU-MK) is scheduled for Tuesday. The focal point of discussion will be the Transfer of Knowledge and Innovation within Agricultural Knowledge and Innovation Systems (AKIS).

Professor Mileva Gjurovska, the NCEU-MK national coordinator and President of the European Movement in the Republic of Macedonia, along with Slovak Ambassador Henrik Markus, will provide opening remarks at the session.

Notable participants include Goce Georgievski, head of the sector for rural development in the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, and Water Economy; Donald Aquilina and Dimitar Vanev from the EU-funded project “Modernization of Advisory Services for Operators in the Area of Agriculture in Macedonia”; Ana Simonovska, a professor at the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences and Food, Institute of Agricultural Economics at the University “Ss. Cyril and Methodius” – Skopje; and Biljana Petrovska-Mitrevska from the National Federation of Farmers. They will engage in a panel discussion as part of the working session.

The European Movement in the Republic of North Macedonia stated, “Experts will delve into questions surrounding development trends, the functioning, and the benefits of the Agricultural Knowledge and Innovation System (AKIS) in the European Union. The panel is expected to identify key issues concerning the implementation paths of this vital mechanism within the European Common Agricultural Policy.”

NCEU-MK serves as a platform for open and transparent dialogue on matters related to the European Union accession negotiations. The project is spearheaded by the European Movement in the Republic of Macedonia, with financial support from the Delegation of the European Union in the Republic of North Macedonia and SlovakAid.